Thursday, October 8, 2009

MLA Conference - Up the Career Ladder

John Furlong and Katrina Stierholz are discussing how to go into library management and some of their experiences.

Presenters are discussing how they fell into librarianship. Sounds like that happens to many of us. I know I did not plan on being a librarian.

General Tips
-Be prepared when searching for a job. Have a lot of different experiences in order to learn and grow. While you are at your current position, look around and see if there are other things that you can do to gain experience.

-Technology is changing the workforce, keep up to date with what is going on in the workforce.

-Reference and collection development are two of the least needed positions to move ahead in the librarian field. (According to a survey). Reference and collection development have always been the corner stone of the library world. This is changing due to changes with technology.

-Partnerships, PR, and Web Development are now the most crucial areas in the librarian field.

-Be proactive by keeping your resume current. Also keep abreast of what opportunities are available.

Lessons learned from experiences
-Think ahead especially with technology. Try to stay ahead of the curve or at least with the curve.
-Think outside the box when it comes to professional development.
-Think of community work/volunteer that can also increase your skills set
-Do something hard, get out of your comfort zone
-If up doesn't work try sideways, because you may be able to go up from there
-Figure out how to motivate yourself and realize when you are at a career plateau
-Get supervisory experience whenever wherever
-Use challenges at work as developmental opportunities

Perfect timing doesn't exist, work life balance is not perfect, If you want to move ahead, sometimes you have to give up some things with your home life. They are all choices that you have to make.

Book: FYI For Your Improvement
Uses the Lominger Model
Includes competencies that most executives and then most managers present
Also talk about career stallers or stoppers
This is a strength based model so capitalize on your strengths, for your weaknesses, you will never get rid of them, but bring up your weaknesses just enough that they don't get in your way.

Career Stoppers
-Overly ambitious
-Lack of ethics and values
-Failure to build a team
-Insensitive to others

Try not to bring emotions into your work. Keep it professional not personal.

It is my experiences that define me.

My thoughts: This session was not what I was expecting, but it was great! It really made me think not just about moving up in my career, but what I need to do where I am at now to improve my experiences. I actually needed this session since things at work have not been the best. I am seeing now that everything that is going on at work, is a learning experience. I can use the negative and turn it around to make it a positive learning experience. Thanks John and Katrina!

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