Wednesday, October 7, 2009

MLA Conference - Meeting Makeover: From Frankly Frustrated to Positively Productive

Tracy Rochow Byerly from the Missouri Library Network Corporation (MLNC) is discussing how to makeover your meetings to make them more productive.

First think about selecting meeting participants by looking at what you want to accomplish.

First think about why you want to have a meeting. Have a meeting for actions.
-make decisions
-generate ideas
-get status reports
-communicate something
-make plans

Next step is to develop the agenda.
-state desired outcome
-list activities to reach that outcome
-next to each activities include the type of action needed
-next to each topic, include a time estimate for addressing each topic
-be prepared to change the agenda
-think how you label things

Consider your agenda
-priorities must be addressed
-in what order should the topics be covered
-when will the meeting take place
-where will the meeting take place

Opening Meetings
-start on time
-review agenda and clarify if needed
-model the kind of energy and participation needed
-if you want a more successful meeting get things out in advanced

Ground Rules - can even include ground rules on the agenda
-everyone should be participating
-stay focused on the agenda items
-maintain momentum
-reach closure on discussions, even if it is just to table the discussion till the next meeting
-clarify the use of electronic devices upfront

Time Management
-keep moving
--ask participants to help you keep track of time
--if timing is getting out of hand, present it to the group & ask for their input as to a resolution

Closing a meeting
-come to a conclusion
-end on time
-review action items & assignments

My thoughts - there are some great ideas that were presented in this session. Some of these things we are already doing in our meetings, others we aren't. I am hoping to take this back and see if we can make some changes to our meetings to make them more productive.

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