Wednesday, June 8, 2011

2011 MOBIUS Conference Session 5

Teaching on the Edges: Finding Opportunities Outside the One-Shot
Kristine Helbling/Kasia Leousis

60 minutes = 45 minutes
20+20 Model (20 minutes of instruction/20 minutes of hands on)

Building blocks
-Communication, open lines of communication to help build relationships
-Relationships with students and faculty, be confident in yourself so faculty will be confident in you.
-student responsibility, there has to be buy-in from the students

Undergraduate Highlights
-Informal co-teaching
-Folders and videos-pre/post

Major and graduate highlights
-One-on-one research consultations (in lieu of group BI)
-Bibliography or single source share
-Project-based consultations

Require students to bring at least one resource with them to an appointment. It allows the librarian to see what the students know about research. It also gives you ready made keywords and citations to follow.

-Use your expertise
-exude confidence
-build trust
-relinquish control and coverage

***Good presentation, makes me think of new things to incorporate when working with my students.***

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