Wednesday, June 8, 2011

2011 MOBIUS Annual Conference - Session 2

Discovery Services Showdown
Alaina Culbertson & Emily Scharf

Web-scale discovery - the library version of google

But what about federated searching? With a discovery search, the information is pre-indexed which makes the results come back faster.

Features of discovery services
-facets on the side. There is a lot of difference limiting that can be done was a search is run
-will find all formats, books, ebooks, cd's, dvd's, etc.

Student percpetions of discovery services
-students like the one stop shop, searching in one place to find their research
-liked the limiters so that they can have some of the features of an advanced search without having to do an advanced search

With discovery services can do a search without having to login to a proxy server first, can wait until you click on a source.

MU Libraries has Summon
Drake University has EBSCO discovery service
Norwich University has WorldCat Local

All three of these does predictive searching, can help students search on subject headings when they wouldn't otherwise know what a subject heading is, and make their search more relevant to what they are looking for.

Discovery downsides
-search neutrality
-new features changes workflow

Discovery upsides
-streamlined services
-students can search everything in one place
-library catalogs are hard to use, discovery services are more user friendly

New and upcoming services
-Primo - positioning themselves as the most neutral

***I know that we have discussed discovery services in our library faculty meetings, but it was in a pie in the sky kind of way. I think that this is what the future is, the way that libraries need to go. For us the cost will need to come down. This was a good presentation.***

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