Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Making It Happen Key Note CIL2010

Making It Happen: Getting Things Done
Dr. Ken Haycock, Director, School of Library & Information Science, San Jose State University

Applying What We Know
-Users don't complain about needing more money for the library **not sure if I completely agree with this***
-As long as the library employees smile, the users are satisfied with lousy service.

Death by Opportunity
-Where can we make the best difference/where we have the opportunity to make an impact

Opportunity Costs
-We need to be more strategic in what we do. We can not be all things to all people.

We are all Leaders
-Leadership is a process of social influence through which one person is able to enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task.

Power or Influence
-Power: possession of control, authority or influence ver others
-Types of power
-Influence: act of producing an effect without apparent exertion of force or direct exercise of command
-Control>Direct Influence>
Indirect Influence>Zone of No Influence

Successful people are influential
-Trust is the most critical component in relationships
-A good reputation is priceless
-Integrity cannot be bought and should never be sold
-Most people are filled with self-doubt
-Listening is more important than talking
-Caring managers always help their staff to succeed
-Carefully select those you wish to mentor
-Mentoring is a manager's most powerful tool
-Some people are not interested in being mentored


Advocacy Defined
-Public Relations are not advocacy, public relations is all about us
-Need to stop talking about libraries and start talking about social and cultural issues and how we are making a difference to what matters (student success, faculty research, etc.)

Advocacy Rules
-It is all about respect
-Connect the agenda
-Recognize that people do things for their reasons not ours
-Connect with the values of the people
-Make a deposit by letting people understand what you are about and how you affect people

Advocacy is like banking, you can't make a withdraw until you make a deposit.

Universal Principles
-Reciprocation (feel obliged to return favors)
-Authority (look to experts)
-Commitment/Consistency (with commitments and values)
-Scarcity (less available more we want it)
-Liking (more we like more we want to say yes)
-Social Proof (what others are doing)

Yes! (Book)
-When they think about persuasion, most people emphasize their own experiences too much, rather than depending on data or techniques.
-Increase your persuasive power by understanding the core principles:
--A small gift or favor will make you more persuasive. People will want to pay you back.
--The public believes in authority, so enlist higher-ups on your side

-The relationship
-The intended approach
-The desired results
-The context - for the issue, for the individual, and for the organization

R.O.T.I. - Return On Time Invested

We can't afford to be perfectionists, we do not have time. The most precious resource is time. We need to spend the most time on those things that are the most important.

Basic Questions
-Am I the right person
-Is this the right time


Focus and Plan
-On the Relationship
-On the Approach
-On the Context (Individual; System; Organization; Culture; Timing)
-On the issues (arguments that support/against;

A mediocre plan today is far better than a perfect plan tomorrow.

Major Inhibitors
-It is not my job
-Lack of competence (or a plan)
-Talking is not influencing
-There are no silver bullets or quick fixes
-Do not try to influence everyone (focus on reports and opinion leaders)

***This was a good session with some thought provoking ideas on advocacy. So many times we are advocating for a building, not for our services. We don't make the connection for others on how our services impact students, faculty, and staff. I thought this was very good and also one that I need to go back and digest at a later date.***

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