Thursday, December 6, 2007

Slowing Down

Finals week are next week and you can tell that things are definitely slowing down around here. This week started out being one of the busiest weeks since the start of school and is ending as one of the slowest.

I would just like to remind everyone to keep the noise down as students are studying for finals. It is usually not a problem and I thank all of you in advance for being courteous to your fellow students.

Good to luck to everyone with their finals!

Monday, December 3, 2007


For all of you studying for the A&P test tomorrow, you can take models out of the Model and Slide Study Room. We just ask that you keep the models in the library. It seems that we have had a run on the study room today and at times not all the students that want to study can fit in there. You are more than welcome to study in another part of the library.

Today has been a very busy day to say the least. Just a reminder to those that are still having printing problems - be sure and check the corkboard in the computer labs for instructions on logging into the computers and also on printing. Also you can always ask the library staff or Peggy the IT person.

Kuddos to the students that put their names on the handouts they were printing. It made the printing rush this morning so much easier. Thank you so much for that!!!!

I hope that you all have a good day and good luck to the A&P students!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Library Study Rooms

I just want to remind everyone about our study rooms and how they are used. We currently have two study rooms that are also viewing rooms for students that need to watch videos for class. Since our videos are checked out for only two hours and have to stay in the library, the students that need to watch videos take precedence over the students just wanting to study.

We also have a study room that is specifically for slides and models. This is brand new this year and the first time that these students have had a place to study. The only time that this room can be used for general study is when there are no tests or quizzes that the A&P students need to study for. If you want to use this study room for general study purposes, please come to the library front desk first and ask.

It would be awesome if we had study rooms available in the library for all that needed them. Right now there are study rooms in the gym area available if all the library study rooms are in use.

I just want to thank the students that have been so cooperative about giving up a study room to students that take precedence. I have had a lot of students that have been very kind, understanding, and gracious. That makes working here a true blessing! I hope that you all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Long Time

Well it has officially been over two months since my last blog and I did exactly what I said I wasn't going to do, which is start something and then not keep it up to date. Work here has been very busy and I have had to let a few things go to get other things done. Work still hasn't slowed down much, but I decided that I did need to update you all on what is going on.

Printing - If you are trying to print and can't there are two things that could be wrong. The first is that you are not logged into the computer. When you sit down at the computer you need to logon to Windows by using your ID# as the username and your Blackboard/Netmail password as the password. If you are logged into the computer, and still can't print, then you probably don't have money in your account. Be sure and tell me (Holli the Librarian) or Peggy (IT Person) that you want to add money to your account. You don't actually need cash in hand to do this. Just tell us the amount that you want added and you will get a bill for it later. The money carries over each semester.

Several students believe that they can have a negative balance in their printing account and that they will just be billed for the amount that they "charge." This is not the case you actually have to tell us to put money on your account. If you guys have any questions at all, please feel free to ask me or Peggy about it.

I hope that you all have a great end of semester and I will be adding posts to my blog hopefully every day. Take care and see you all in the library.

Friday, September 21, 2007


Well it is Friday and I will be on vacation next week. Amanda and Sharron will both be here so if there are any problems, be sure and talk to one of them. I won't be checking my email as often, but I will be checking it periodically. I hope that all of you have a good week. Good luck to those who are doing presentations next week. I will see you all on October 1.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Research Assistance

Many of you are having research papers due very soon. I want to let you know that you can come into the library and ask for me to help you if you are having trouble finding articles. I will be on vacation next week, so if your paper is due soon, be sure and come to the library this week. You can set up an appointment with me, or if I am not busy I can help when you come in.

Remember that if you are also looking for books, and you are not finding what you need at our library, you can always request a book from another library in our consortium. It only takes 3-5 days for the book to get here and it does not cost you anything. Be sure and ask how to request books if you are needing help.

Remember that I am here to help in anyway while you do your research.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Class Software Update and Research Assistance

We are still having problems with some access to the class software. At first we thought it was a lab issue, and then we thought it was a student login issue. Right now we are not sure what is going on except that if you try to access the class software from any computer lab and it does not give you access to it, let me or Peggy know. Peggy is working on getting the issue cleared up. I just have to say that I am so glad that she is here, especially when these types of issues arise.

If you have any other issues come up, please let us know so we can get them fixed for you. Also I have noticed that a lot of you are having research assignments due within the next couple of weeks. I will be on vacation the week of September 24th so if you need help with finding research articles for your paper, be sure and come in this week to ask for help. You can always make an appointment, or if I am not busy, I will help you right away.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Class Software

Some of you may have realized that there are some problems accessing some of the class software from Computer Lab A. If you are having this problem, try one of the other computer labs. IT is aware of the problem and is working on getting it fixed. If you can't access the class software from any of the labs, then let me know, or let Peggy know. Thanks for all of your patience with the changes. Like I said yesterday once all the bugs are worked out, then it will be worth it. Hope you guys have a great day!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

My first blog entry on this site

Hey it's great to finally find the time to start blogging. I have started numerous times and haven't kept up with it, but I resolve to keep at it this time around. Things are have been very busy in the library. Over the summer numerous changes have been made. We now have two study rooms in the library equipped with t.v.'s, vcr's, dvd players, computers, and dry erase boards. These rooms have been very popular since the start of school. I am glad so many of the students are using them. We also have a room for studying models and slides. Several students have been using this room with a test coming up in Anatomy and Physiology.

I hope that students will comment and give me feedback on the changes in the library. I know there have been some bugs with switching to how students login to computers, but in the long run it will make things easier and our IT staff is great at fixing all the little problems that keep popping up. If you see our new IT person in the halls, be sure and give her a big "thank you" for all the work she has done. We are so blessed to have her here!

Keep checking in to see what is going on here at the library and feel free to make any coments.